Fear of failure is also called atychiphobia. In this term it will allow a person to stop what he is doing to achieve something in life. It will cause some criticism from people. If you cannot make mistakes you would not be able to do big.  Sometime people feeling embarrassed about their ego because people give respect to those who are incapable of mistakes. From these all circumstances from where people suffer, the best teacher of a human being is failure. From failures people must learn the path to reach at the milestone what he set for his career. Failure gives people new ideas and doing new experiments. Too many people are not taking risk because they feel that they can be in loss if they take risks in their life. People are adjusting themselves in comfort zone and that people not achieve more in their life because of fear of failure. Sometimes people predict themselves as a failure in every work like in business, in job etc; because when they do their work with failure mindset. For people intentions is more important to achieve success in career, their intention is remove the fear of failure from mind to achieve great position in life. If we worry about others that how people react on our failure, that factor hold us back in every field. It’s a fear in our mind that portrays negative thoughts and stops us doing a right thing which will lead us a successful life. Most of people are busy in their life; they don’t care of other’s life. In this world different type of people is living. Some of them show you love and care, and some are feeling jealous with you. These people feed your fears in you and suggest you not to do this work it’s so much difficult for you. Different experiences went through your life, if some have a bad experience in their school life like, they had opportunity to speak in front of people and they did not speak well in front of people because fear of facing people had let them fear of speaking for whole life.

That experience low their self esteem and confidence.


1. in life there were some negative experiences went through your life give you some benefits.

From this failure it will give you benefit in near future. These failure experiences enhance your abilities and next time you will do better than what you did in past. If you want to improve your past experiences, you should make deadlines what you did not complete their work on deadline. Prioritize their work, and stuck on their work until you will not finish your work. Don’t think about negative thoughts that will give you stress in your work and you will not able to do right job. Always be solution oriented in life and be creative. That will motivate you to achieve their dreams.


You fell like your life is battle ground and you face lot of circumstances and face your problem with patience. When you’re doing work with passion. It is not guaranteed that will give you the desired result. You can view it as a challenge. From this point of you, there is difference between these two circumstances one is negative and other is positive. Choice is up to you, which path you select for your carrier. Positive root motivates you and give you confidence while achieving your target. Negative root push you back and give you fear while achieving target. You are imagining that you are doing well and you enhancing your abilities. Not put yourself in fears that will give you stress.

3. Show positive attitude during your bad experiences:

The whole day you cannot do your same work, it will give you stress. You should divide your hours for your work and be kind with yourself. Don’t feel shame or embarrassment if you not achieve their target in prescribed time. First you care yourself; if you have energy and enthusiasm you can do more work in less time. Don’t frustrate yourself in negative thoughts like I did not complete my work on time. You should give time to exercise and put on yourself on normal diet it will give you energy and low down you stress. Then you will perform well and easily achieve your target. In life every buddy come across with failures and learns from mistakes and improves themselves. They donor feel guilty or ashamed of failure. In future these people are more successful in their respective field. With these tips in mind you can overcome fear of failure and pursue your dream with confidence.

It is proud moment for you that when you fail in any field and you admit that failure. After that bad experience you try to improve yourself from past mistakes. It is guarantee that you will be successful in near future. When you overcome from your fear of failure, you will believing on yourself, appreciating of your past experiences and don’t take failure as personal. You will achieve your dreams and spend a successful life.

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