Many university is going to offered different type of the courses, and specialization in different domains. But the most growing field is the finance. There are many people who is doing some courses in finance, then these courses is going to help them to get a job. Finance is one of the most growing field in the world. But finance is not easy that every student is done easily. This is a big field, and those who are doing jobs in finance departments, they got the high salaries. And there are many other perks, and the benefits.

There are many university who offered their degrees in finance, and there are many universities, and the institutes, and the coaching center is going to provide the short term courses in finance. And India has the top 5 short term courses in finance. And these five short courses is one of the famous courses in India. And many students from India is going to wants to get admissions in the five short term finance courses in India. And many students has do not proper information about these finance courses. And this article is going to help you to increase the knowledge about these five short term courses in finance in India.

  1. Financial modeling

There is an NSA academy which is going to offer the financial modeling short term course in India. And there is no any high fees for this short term course of finance. And the fees NSA academy is going to charge from the student is around 25000 to 40000. And the time period of the short term course is 3 to6 months. And this is one of the better short term course in finance. And there are many people who get admission in the short term course in finance in India.

  • ACCA

This ACCA is also one of the most popular certification all over the world. The best thing for the ACCA is, the ACCA certification is going to acceptable all over the world. And this fees is going to charge for the ACCA short term course of finance is around 25000 to 40000. And the duration of the short term course is 4 months to 6 months. This is most informative short term course in finance.

  • NCFM

This is a very short term course, in this course the NSA academy is going to provide the training to their students. And training is going to relate the finance. And the gap between the employee and the work system, then this NCFM is going to help them to fill the gap through the training program. And this short term course duration is 3 months, and the fees is very affordable, which is 2000 to 6000. And in the end the NSA academy is going to take the exams after complete the training.

  • CFP

This is an important profession in the finance domain which is certified finance planner. In this course the person is going to make strategies and the budget, and also calculate th risk, and the return. This is very important post in every company. The duration of this short course is more than one year. And the fees is going to be charge is around 25000 to 45000.

  • CWM

This is a short term course and the duration of this course is three to six months, and there is no any particular fees announce by the institute. And the global academy of the finance and management. This is also one of the best and successful short term course in the finance in the India.

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