Germany is one of the best country in the Europe, and the language that is officially used in the Germany is German. If the international students is well in speaking in German, then it is very easy for him or her to set their life over there. The education or you can say the quality of the education of the Germany is best as compared to the other countries, most of the students has the big desire to get admission in the German Institutes. There are many scholarship that the Germany institutes, and also there are many other sources of getting the scholarship. but most of the student is unware of many scholarship, most of the students is known only one or two scholarship, and that is the reason most of the students is going to failed to get scholarship, but if they are going to apply at least four or five scholarship, then the chances is going to increase to get the scholarship. The study visa ratio is really high for the international students, and there are many other things which is going to attract to the international students. Germany is one of the best country in Europe, and the most important thing is, the Germany is considered the Rich country in Europe, and this is the one of the positive thing, which is going to influence many decisions.
There are many scholarship that the Germany is going to provide to the international students. But there is also a thing which is very important, and best for the students, the education in the Germany is free. Those public universities in the Germany is providing the free education to the students, and also for the international students, this is one of the best thing. But there is a thing which is the other expenses. The other expenses is high, if a person is going to start the part time job, or doing freelances, but this is going to be the disturbance for the students during the education, and that is the reason of writing this article to discuss the scholarships that the Germany is going to give to the students. Because if you have scholarship, then you are relax from many things. So this is going to be the need of the students, because after reading this article you are able to know the scholarship to study in Germany.
DAAD Scholarship
This is one of the best scholarship that most of the students wants to get this scholarship, because this is not a university based scholarship. This is a scholarship which you get after getting the admission in university, and there is no any barrier of the university or a degree or field, all you need is to get admission in university in Germany, and then apply of this DAAD Scholarship. So this is the best opportunity for the international students to get this scholarship, and start your degree in the best country of the Europe which is the Germany.
This is one of the best platform for the students who is going to have desire to get admission and scholarship in the Europe Countries. This is a kind of platform where you can apply for the scholarship for your desired country of the Europe. The funding that this platform is going to get from the European Commission, and this commission is going to provide all the funds of the scholarship, and also in this scholarship all the expenses is going to bear in this scholarship, which are the living expenses, health expenses, and many other expenses which is going to bear in the scholarship.
Heinrich Boll Scholarship for the International Students
This is one of the best scholarship for the international students. The best thing of this scholarship is to every student at every level of degree is going to apply for this scholarship, and this is coming in once in a year, and this scholarship is going to bear the whole expense of the degree program, and also bear all the other expenses, which are the living expense, food expense, health expense, and many other expense which is going to bear by this scholarship.
DRD Scholarships for the Sub Saharans Africans
This is one of the best scholarship which is purely on the merit base, and a single person is not going to get this scholarship, because the process of getting scholarship or you can say the criteria of selecting the students is very tough. This scholarship is only for those who is going to belong to the developing countries, and those who is going to enroll in master’s degree. This is one of the best scholarship for the people belong to the developing countries, and this scholarship is going to bear all the expenses.